Heat-Sheet Heavy
More and more homeowners are choosing radiant floor heating. Offering a greater level of comfort and air quality, energy efficiency and not much maintenance, it’s easy to see why.
Indeed, we are hearing from contractors that radiant floor heating is becoming less of a niche product and more of a main heating source in newly built homes. The problem is that installing radiant floor panels in the traditional way is that it’s time-consuming. This is exactly why we love the Heat-Sheet family of radiant floor panels, which make installing radiant floor tubing faster and easier for the installer.
Heat-Sheet Heavy is a Heat-Sheet product that has everything you love about regular Heat-Sheet radiant panels plus MORE! In fact, Heat-Sheet Heavy can be used in all typical under-slab and slab-on-grade under-concrete radiant floor applications, plus heavy-duty commercial and snow-melt applications
What Make Heat-Sheet Heavy So Different?
These critical Heat-Sheet Heavy design innovations mean:
- Heat-Sheet Heavy’s nodules are 33% wider and far more durable because there is more surface area to distribute the weight of the installer. This can lower costs and reduce breakage. in fact, it can even support ladders – Check out this short video clip from Martino HVAC
- The wider grid pattern and deep nodules means Heat-Sheet Heavy can accommodate regular ½” and 5/8” piping for regular applications, but also up to ¾” piping for heavy-duty commercial and snow-melt applications. Heat-Sheet Heavy does it all!
Here’s a short video clip that explains Heat-Sheet Heavy:
And here’s some video footage from the field, courtesy of Martino HVAC, who provides quality radiant floor installation services across the province of Ontario, which shows an installation of Heat-Sheet Heavy into the driveway of 100’ feet long, in a mere 36 minutes! Click Here
In addition to its unique design benefits, Heat-Sheet Heavy also offers the same suite of important benefits that is provided by the entire family of Heat-Sheet products:
- Piping “walks into place” in half the time with no ties, cables or staples (in most cases)
- Rugged high-density foam means less breakage and no need for an additional vapor barrier in most cases.
- Interlocking panels mean no time is spent taping.
- Heat-Sheet nodules each offer two points of contact with the piping resulting in a secure friction fit.
- Easy to handle 2’ x 4’ panel sizing.

Wrapping It Up
Radiant floor heating is growing in popularity. That’s exactly why contractors need a better way to install it.
Offering less breakage, panels that walk into place and no stables, contractors will see drastic time and cost savings during the installation process.
And for those looking to install radiant floor heating in commercial or snow-melt applications, Heat-Sheet Heavy’s tougher nodules and 4” grid pattern and wider channels designed for up to 3/4” piping, make it the ideal choice.
Read more about Heat-Sheet Heavy in our brochure, here.
Request a quote, get more information, or talk to a Heat-Sheet® Advisor by contacting us today.