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Streamlining Radiant Heating Installation with Heat-Sheet Heavy: A Professional’s Guide

Workers leveling gravel layer in preparation of Heat Sheet Heavy Panel installation

In today’s construction industry, efficiency and reliability are paramount. Through that lens, Heat-Sheet Heavy presents itself as an essential solution for those in the building and construction sectors. This blog post offers a practical insight into utilizing Heat-Sheet Heavy for optimal radiant heating installation, drawing from a real-world application that was documented in detail in […]

Do You Need A Blower Fan For Your Home’s Radon Diffusion System?

Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, poses a significant health risk in homes, especially when it seeps through foundations. Addressing this challenge, under-slab radon diffusion systems play a critical role in ensuring home safety. Central to these systems is the blower fan, a component often questioned for its necessity. Here, we explain why a blower […]

Radon: Just How Harmful Is It?

Home foundation

Radon is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Allegedly, Radon is also extremely harmful to the health of humans. Worst of all, the sneaky gas supposedly targets us right where we expect to feel safest — in our very homes. But the problem with gauging the true effects of Radon is twofold. Firstly, the gas is virtually […]

Heat-Sheet Heavy – The Lab-Tested Solution For Superior Under-Slab Radon Diffusion

Builders are increasingly understanding the dangers associated with radon. The toxic gas is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers; it’s invisible; it’s odorless; and it’s surprisingly good at infiltrating homes. And yet, the industry continues to rely on relatively rudimentary methods, such as a 4-inch gravel layer and a PVC pipe, to diffuse […]

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Radon Diffusion Applications

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